
Frequently Asked Questions

  • A. You need to enable cookies on your browser to watch the “Latest Basic Nursing Skills” videos. Please enable cookies and try again.

  • A. Yes. You will need to obtain an Igaku-Shoin ID.
    The Support Office for Learning Community sent out an e-mail to everyone in April explaining how to obtain this ID. Check the e-mail for details.
  • A. ClinicalKey may not display correctly in Safari. Try a different browser.

  • A. Try another database such as IndexCat. The Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office (Index-Catalogue) covers the collection of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office of the United States Army. It contains books, journal articles, dissertations, brochures, reports, and other materials from 1400 to 1950 that cannot be found in PubMed.
    The library also has a printed catalog to help you find nursing-related papers. Inquire at the counter for details.
  • A. Journals in NCBI Databases lists all journals in PubMed together with their official titles. You can search journals listed in NCBI databases including PubMed by official title, ISSN number, publisher and/or language.
    To find the official journal title, publisher or other details of a journal listed in the search results, go to the detailed view and left-click on the journal abbreviation to bring up the Search in NLM Catalog menu. You can also click here to see the results of your earlier search in Journals in NCBI Databases.
  • A. Yes. You will need to enter your ID and password as described in “How to Access Materials When Off Campus” on Web Nadeshiko or the intranet.
  • A. Clear your browser cache then try again.
    If the search screen still doesn't appear, follow these steps.
    1. Click Sign In at the upper right corner of the screen.
    2. Click New Search in the upper left corner of the screen to bring up the search window.

  • A. If you search the EBSCO databases CINAHLplus, APA PsycInfo and Medline together, you cannot use the thesaurus of each individual database. Since the search uses the text string entered in the search box, the results will not be the same as if you searched each database separately.

  • A. In Ichushi Web database, texts created after 1996 are treated as original articles if either one of the following criteria is met. This means that some articles that are not actually original articles may be listed in the results.
    - The words "Original Work" or "Original Article" appear in the table of contents of the journal or at the beginning of the paper
    - The paper meets the formatting criteria for an academic paper—that is, it has sections labeled Objective, Subject, Methodology, Result, Observation and Discussion and includes figures, tables, photographs and references as well as an abstract and summary.
    Note that any article (including conference proceedings and short reports) may be listed as an original paper if it meets the above content and formatting requirements.

    * Case reports are also treated as original papers in Ichushi Web database.
    * Texts from 1983 to 1995 are treated as original papers where the type is not specified.

    For more information, visit the Japan Medical Abstracts Society website (
  • A. You need to set up a personal account. Go to the upper right corner of the Clinical Key page.
    With your personal account, you can use PDF files as well as Presentation Maker (a feature that allows you to download images and text in PowerPoint).