聖路加国際大学図書館概要/Overview of the Library
The Library is operated by the Department of Academic Resources.
図書館 / Library
We offer literature encompassing the medical, nursing, and other related fields. Students and faculty of St. Luke’s International University can, in principle, access the library 24 hours a day. The library also has two branches that are open to the public. We actively promote the use of electronic resources, and many materials can be accessed electronically without having to visit the library in person. A special feature of our library is its full collection of all dissertations of this university, which is accessed by large numbers of researchers both from this university and elsewhere. One of our library’s valuable materials also includes an original letter written by Florence Nightingale herself. In April 2024, Hinohara Shigeaki Memorial Library was opened to display the books donated from the home of Dr. Hinohara, who served as Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, and President of our university and hospital.
図書館 -
学習コミュニティ支援室 / Support Office for Learning Community
We support independent and cooperative learning intended to aid education, research, and practical training involving the thorough application of academic information. The purpose is to support the preparation of lecture materials using academic information and media, support academic communications, and manage human resources supporting academic learning.
Our main activities include the support of : (1) smooth academic communication such as searching, selecting, and publishing of academic information ; (2)selection of materials and tools used to create teaching materials and handling of authors’ copyright and other related issues ; and (3) active learning, which involves the active incorporation of academic information making use of the greater application of electronic resources and the diversification of media. Moreover we also manage the facilities and services provided at the Learning Commons.